Tuesday, February 05, 2008

backpaker in taiwan

There's a 28 years old girl who spent NT$ 150,000 travelling in 9 asian countries for 9 months, and here is her blog: vagrant backpacker. i feel kind of excited maybe because i just finish reading a travel book in which the japanese writer wrote his experiences riding bike around the world. And i realized now that there's probably lot of people in taiwan who has the same dream- being a backpacker, spending few money for travelling abroad. this is cool. 也許是我剛看完《不去會死》這本一個日本男生騎單車環遊世界的書,知道原來台灣也有類似這樣想藉著搭巴士、單車及雙腳遊歷各國的人(還是個女生!),覺得還滿興奮的。誰說想出國旅行一定要準備很多錢呢?也因此,總覺得台灣一定還有不少backpacker們只是不知道他們在哪個角落罷了,包括這位Toby小姐,雖然我沒仔細看她的blog(只瀏覽一下照片),但可以感覺比起一一記下這些所見所聞,對她來說更重要的應該是旅程上那些難以言述、只有親身體驗過才能感知的經歷吧(因為她每篇的文字都很短、照片也不算多,然而她去過的國家一字排開還挺驚人)。

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